Hometown Garage is not your typical auto repair garage. Locally owned and operated for over 21 years, it’s a place where you can feel confident dropping off your vehicle without worries of “what they might find.” When you come in with a problem, we will fix the problem. If, by chance, we encounter other issues, we’ll clearly explain them and provide you with a time-line of importance. We understand that auto repair can be stressful and we strive to make your experience as convenient as possible by offering economical solutions, conscientious, quick service, and pickup and drop‐off in town. Our full‐service garage offers state of the art diagnostics, and our highly skilled technicians prioritize professionalism, reliability, and safety. We work on all types of vehicles—foreign and domestic. Our motto is Any Part, Any Car.
Accepted Payments
AMEX, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Check
Air Conditioning, Air Filter Replacement, Axle Replacement, Battery Replacement, Belts & Hoses, Brake Systems, Clutch Repair, Computer Diagnostics, Electrical, Exhaust System, Fuel Injection, Oil Change, Power Steering, Preventative Maintenance, Radiator Service, Replace Lights, Smog/Emissions, Suspension Work, Tire Sales & Service, Towing Service, Transmission Svc
Warranties Offered
2 years 24,000 miles